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Don’t Let Sickness Ruin Your Trip: Steps to Take When You Get Sick While Traveling

Traveling can be a wonderful experience, but getting sick while away from home can quickly turn a dream vacation into a nightmare. Whether it’s a minor headache or a more serious illness, sickness while traveling can be stressful and uncomfortable. Luckily, there are steps you can take to alleviate the situation, shared below by SharpLink Services.

Drink Water and Eat Healthy Food

One of the most important things you can do to keep your body resistant to illnesses is to stay hydrated and eat healthy food. Drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet can help keep your immune system strong. Avoiding excessive alcohol and caffeine can also help your body fight off infections. Additionally, try to avoid eating certain street food or any food that may not be properly cooked or stored to avoid food-borne illnesses.

Bring Over-the-Counter Medicines

It’s always wise to pack some over-the-counter medications in case you get sick while traveling. Pain relievers, anti-diarrhea pills, and antihistamines are among the most common medications you can include in your kit. It’s important to check the laws of the country you are visiting to ensure you are not carrying any drugs that may be considered illegal. You can also ask your doctor about any specific prescriptions you need for your trip.

Designated Emergency Contact

Having a designated emergency contact at home ensures that a loved one can help if needed. Be sure to share any pertinent information with them, such as your itinerary, hotel details, and any medical conditions. They can also be a liaison between you and your health insurance company if you need assistance with coverage or medical bills. Lastly, consider making an emergency contact info card to keep on your person in case of an emergency.

Convert Documents to PDFs

Medical centers may require medical information or other essential documents when you’re traveling abroad. It can be challenging to access this information, especially in an emergency situation. To help with searching for these documents quickly and easily, take time to convert any vital papers into PDFs. This way, you can store them on your phone or laptop and have them readily available when needed. This simple step could make all the difference between receiving prompt medical care or facing delays that could compromise your health while traveling.

Keep Important Documents Handy

Aside from medical documents, it is crucial to keep other important paperwork organized and within reach. Keeping your passport, identification cards, and visas in a secure but easily accessible location can save you time and prevent added stress during emergencies or when traveling. It’s important to have these documents with you at all times as they can be required at the hospital or doctor’s office, especially if you’re in a foreign country.


Register with the US Embassy/Consulate


Register your travel using the US Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. In the event of a medical or other emergency while traveling this can prove invaluable. By registering your trip, you are tapping into their resources, country information and you are enabling the embassy to locate you when you may need them most.

Bring a Thermometer

Fever can signal the onset of a variety of illnesses, ranging from minor infections to more serious conditions. Therefore, it is critical to keep track of your temperature when you’re feeling unwell. Even if your lodging offers a thermometer, it’s prudent to bring one with you to ensure that you can monitor your temperature at all times. If you forget to pack one, you can purchase a thermometer at a nearby pharmacy or grocery store.



Getting sick while traveling is never fun, but it doesn’t have to ruin your trip. Taking precautions like staying hydrated, bringing along over-the-counter medications, converting important documents to PDF, and more, can make a big difference. Additionally, knowing when to seek medical help is crucial. By following these steps, you can keep yourself healthy and enjoy your travels to the fullest.


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